She already WON !!

Her hand was steady ,

Her heart felt heavy ,

Mind exhausted ,

Soul weakened ..

Outside , the rain stopped , the dark clouds moved.

The pen she gripped ,

She held it firm ,

And wrote a tale ..

A tale so long ,

Describing everyone as a superhero

And no villians at all ..

And that’s where she already won ,

YES , She already WON ..

_© Muneeta Aneja

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  1. I love this! Even though she may have been in pain, she chose to see something positive and create a beautiful world from it. That is indeed winning. Really awesome poem! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I could connect with it. Few days back. I wrote dawn to write a story based on my childhood. It was more or less a negative story. I wasn’t planning to end it positively. But I realised. What actually happens is not always literature. Truth can be the background. But what could have happened such that it were so so much more meaningful humanely, is a much better literature. Sorry I made it so long. Thanks for the poem.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Warn greetings to you , Thankyou so much for sharing this with me .I am glad you resonated with it and dear you should never ever feel bad for the way you feel ..I know a person goes through a lot .And when they write , they pour down their feelings on the writing pad ..So ..Keep writing ….God bless

      Liked by 1 person

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